digging out of the rubble

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I haven't been aging well

Here is an old photo of me taken back in college one summer sitting at the bar in a local tavern in northern Wisconsin ... A couple guys across the bar had just sent me a couple of Kamikaze shots and I wasn't sure whether to look pleased or mildly disdainful, a quandary I found myself in for most of my 20s ..

But it's just a few years later and it seems the years of hard living are starting to take their toll. Here's a photo of me leaving a charity event just last week, looking around for a taxi ...

Saturday, November 03, 2007


I stopped blogging during moving and homelessness, but I'm going to try to get on the blog train again.
Last weekend my friend G came for his annual Halloween visit. Here are a couple of the highlights of the weekend:
1.) An amazing film classic called "Trilogy of Terror" featuring the Zuni Fetish Doll.
2. My first viewing of "The Exorcist" featuring one of my all-time favorite movie lines, a good old-fashioned tribute to mom ..
3. No riot ...