digging out of the rubble

Monday, June 25, 2007


a.) I spend all day at work looking at the Internet (job-related, I swear) and I often undercover tidbits like this: Josef Stalin's daughter lives in a retirement home in Wisconsin. It all leads back here!
b.) I am probably going to be homeless for the second half of August. This is leading me to vile thoughts toward a certain individual.
c.) My cat Dexter, ever a generous host, recently harbored a tapeworm. I found this out through visual observation. He has now been pronounced, again, worm-free.
d.) The city of Madison has begun plowing the weeds on Lake Monona. I swear! I saw their big weed-cutter boats going through and then you could see the weeds in neat rows, like corn. It is a bumper crop this year.