Tintin and Temple
Every day at work, I learn at least three to five obscure yet interesting factoids.
a.) I never knew until this week about the famed comic book character Tintin and his hard-drinking dog Snowy, the work of a Belgian who once got accused of being a Nazi sympathizer, and now Spielburg plans to make a movie of Tintin. But, the most interesting thing to me is that Tintin, who, by the way, is a journalist, looks EXACTLY like Conan O'Brien.
b.) As an obsessive fan of the show "Big Love," how on earth did I not know about Temple Undergarments?
I just googled those temple underoos, looks like serious business. You look on wikipedia?
By jesse, at 7:36 PM
Whoa! They showed the undergarments on "Big Love?" I did unofficial research into the LDS church and thought their big deal was the undergarments were secret. Did you also know that a lot of the Mormon rituals were based on Freemasonry b/c Joseph Smith was a freemason before he hooked up with the angel Moroni?
Hello, my name is Tori and I'm way too fascinated with Mormons.
By Tori, at 7:56 PM
J- there's so much info on Temple Garments that I'm overwhelmed.
S- Yes, I'm also obsessed, ever since I watched "Big Love" and learned that Mormon husbands are either chiseled manly men who look like Bill Pullman, or creepy lecherous troglodytes who look like Harry Dean Stanton.
By siouxzee, at 10:28 AM
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