digging out of the rubble

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Dreams of the Huggable

Last night I dreamed of a former coworker who was commonly known as the "Huggable Scot" (the photo is NOT him). I was riding my bike, and Huggable, who once claimed that he "never spills on himself," came up behind me at a stop sign and tapped me on the shoulder. Oddly, he was wearing some sort of black cape-like garment, and I then realized that I was wearing my pajamas, and I was really embarrassed to be riding my bike in my plaid flannel pajamas. I realized that was why I was getting so many odd looks. Then, because of my pajamas, I tried to ride home as fast as I could but kept getting lost. That was my Huggable Scot dream. What does it mean?
The Scot did not ever wear a kilt to work and his comment one day while going to lunch with Harry (who often claimed that he once "passed a grilled-cheese sandwich through his nose") ... "I'm glad Justin Timberlake is finally getting some street cred" ... will always be hilarious to me.


  • Thanks 2071558. I enjoy a Mozilla every now and then also.

    By Blogger siouxzee, at 3:03 PM  

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